Quality Matters When it Comes to CBD

by | Horses

Quality matters.

My favourite brand of CBD became unavailable in Canada once the government decided they wanted control of cannabis sales. I was an affiliate for the company and was really disappointed because I lost all of my customers and downline. But it was a good run. I use a couple of other brands now that are available by dispensary in Canada. I caution you to do your research on quality and make sure the brands provide verifiable lab results that the quality is what they say it is and that it contains no heavy metals, etc.

I had started giving hemp CBD oil to my horse, Jubie, for her breathing. She was diagnosed heaves (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder). 

It has now been 6+ months for her without any Dexamethasone – and I don’t remember the last time I heard her cough!

My horses love it and take it willingly. It helped Jubie out a lot with her breathing and it helps my gelding Martie in the summer when the humidity and ragweed trigger his late summer breathing issues.

As of March 2022, it has been 3-4 years since I had started Jubie on the CBD oil and I haven’t given her any in over a year. She has had no choking incidents and has needed NO dexamethasone in that time. I rarely ever hear her cough.

The fact that she had heaves and it got to the point where it was affecting her long term on pretty much a daily basis, and after a long period of time taking CBD with no issues, she can now go CBD-free with no breathing issues at all (knock on wood)… I’m pretty sure that’s unheard of. That just doesn’t happen. It usually gets worse over time.

Unless it was a simple misdiagnosis and she didn’t have COPD at all, but an allergy to something that the CBD oil helped resolve over time by reducing the inflammation and the reaction to the trigger. Unless it did actually heal the COPD. But I’m not going to go making claims I can’t back up.

All that matters to me is that for now, she no longer has the issue. What the future holds, I don’t know.

My senior mare, Jessie, who will be 29 this year (2022), also gets some CBD oil daily for her arthritis, along with some other anti-inflammatory herbs. She seems to be doing well with these.

As for me, I’ve been taking it for back pain (sharp nerve pain) and body pain for ~ 8 years. This website and blog was originally going to be all about that, my journey with inflammation, pain, and CBD oil. Maybe at some point I’ll again tell my story about that further, because CBD changed my life, but for now I’ve removed most of the CBD-related pages from this site.



Quality matters.

When you use a stable, high quality carrier oil, there’s no need for additives. There’s no need to add fillers that lessen the quality and potency (why would you even do that?). And when each batch is tested via 3rd party labs, you know exactly what’s in it, right down to the percentages and milligrams, and you can be assured that there’s no pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, molds, etc.


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