Lazy Allergy Cooking

This website is a work in progress. I’m revamping it from a previous focus on a network marketing product I loved that is no longer available in Canada. And now I’m unexpectedly rebranding it as well with a new URL that better reflects my new direction.

I had been adding some recipes this past year and started reworking the website, but I didn’t feel the name and domain name I was using was the best fit for what I wanted to share. I came up with the Lazy Allergy Cooking idea while lazily sitting on my behind between Christmas and New Year.

I decided to start posting some of my recipes because I have a ton of food allergies and sensitivities, and there are a lot of things I can’t eat and I sometimes have to be creative in recipe substitutions. And then sometimes I just throw some stuff together and it tastes really good.

Maybe this blog will inspire people to be more creative in their cooking, especially when dealing with food sensitivities.

My diet and cooking approach:

I don’t subscribe to any specific diet or trend, other than gluten free and dairy free – and that’s only out of necessity. I don’t have a choice unless I want to live in misery.

I have so many food allergies and intolerances that if I went Keto, Paleo, vegetarian, vegan, or whatever else there is, that would just limit my pool of food choices even further and I’d starve. Kind of like when I was put on an elimination diet for months, LOL.

So if you’re looking for a specific diet recipe, you won’t necessarily find that here. Adjust the recipes to suit your taste and dietary needs.

I am not afraid to use frozen vegetables as necessary, especially in the winter. You have to take time, budget, and lifestyle into consideration. Not everybody can go shopping for fresh vegetables every week or two, and not everybody has time to chop them up or prepare them for every meal.

My recipe approach:

I don’t like complicated or time consuming recipes. If there are too many steps, I’m not doing it. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m lazy and probably hungry, or I have something better to do.

If you look at some of my recipes, you’ll see that I don’t always use measurements. Sorry. I often throw stuff in and wing it. If it tastes like it needs more, then I add more. If it’s something I like, then I add more. If I have something on hand, I may use it. If I don’t have it the next time, I may substitute something else.

If I know how much I used, I’ll add it to the recipe, but it may also be a guestimate after the fact. I am trying to be more mindful to take note of amounts I put in, but I don’t always have the intention ahead of time of adding the recipe to the blog. And I don’t always make things the same way twice. I use what I have on hand or what I feel like in the moment. Give it a try, you might surprise yourself!

If you’re someone who needs to strictly follow a recipe and are scared to deviate at all (like my mother), then you need to loosen up! 🙂 You also need to spend more time cooking your own food and discovering what you like…

What to expect from me:

Keep your expectations low. I’m not a chef, cook, baker, dietician, naturopath, herbalist, allergy specialist, or health coach (at least not at this point in time and have no current desire to be). I’ve never taken a cooking class. I am, however, a chronic researcher and self-proclaimed “expert” in all things that have affected me or interested me when it comes to my own health, diet, inflammation, chronic pain, and holistic approaches. I won’t hang out my shingle, but I may share what has worked for me from time-to-time.

So for now it’s just recipes that you’ll find on here. Maybe in time there will be links to some carefully selected affiliate products or programs I like too. What else, I don’t know yet. You’ll know when I know. 🙂

Learn more about me (Lisa) here.