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Baked Kale Chips

Baked Kale Chips

My garden didn't produce as much kale this year as I would have liked. Usually I have a good supply of frozen kale to last at least part of the winter, so I don't have to buy it... because I put kale in almost everything I cook! My farrier was trimming my horses the...

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Brown Rice & Vegetables (GF)

Brown Rice & Vegetables (GF)

This is a yummy, easy and flexible rice meal that you can modify in any way you like - leaving something out or adding something else, using different vegetables, different meat, different herbs, using a different rice and adjusting the cooking time accordingly, etc....

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Green Hummus/Sauce

Green Hummus/Sauce

This is a healthy multi-use hummus or sauce. It can be used as vegetable dip, chip or tortilla chip dip, pasta sauce, mayonnaise replacement, or anything you like! I have a tomato allergy, so I often use it as spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce. Being green, it's perfect...

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