Don’t laugh. I’ve never been taught how to make scrambled eggs. I’ve always sort of liked them and liked eggs, in general, but when I thought of scrambled eggs, I thought of bland and dry. Something I would want to eat only on rare occasion.

Mom would beat them in a bowl with some milk or water (after we discovered I was allergic to dairy) and usually cook them in the microwave or less often on the stove in a frying pan. So quite often they would be dry and brownish around the edges of the pieces. Before I discovered I was allergic to peppers and onion or green onion, she would sometimes add those too.

Because I didn’t love scrambled eggs, and sometimes found them bland and brownish, I never had inspiration to cook them myself and I never knew they could be creamy or fluffy! What?!

Last year I saw Gordon Ramsay’s The Perfect Scrambled Eggs demo video posted all over social media. I watched it and my first thought was, “That’s an inconvenient, pain-in-the-ass way to make scrambled eggs,” because of course, I’m lazy. But yet they looked soooo good! I knew at some point I would have to take it upon myself to give it a try, especially since I couldn’t con my mother into doing it for me, even after making her watch the video. If it was to be, it was up to me.

One day, I decided it was happening. I pulled up Gordon’s video on my phone, and grabbed the eggs and my favorite, small Curtis Stone frying pan. I know Gordon used a saucepan, but my frying pan worked just fine.

I started re-watching his video as I got everything ready, but I didn’t watch it all the way through right then and figured I’d seen enough to get started.

Because I didn’t re-watch it all the way through first, it left me scrambling a bit myself to get what I needed or wanted a couple of times instead of constantly stirring the eggs.

And because of my food allergies and not having everything exactly everything he used, I put my own twist on it and did the best I could with what I had and with what I wanted to use.

I didn’t have mushrooms or tomatoes (I’m allergic to tomatoes anyway). So I put my eggs in the frying pan with a big glob of my Earth Balance butter alternative and started heating and stirring with a spatula, as I restarted the video.

I suddenly got the idea to add kale (frozen kale), so off I ran across the room to the freezer to grab the kale and crumbled some frozen kale into it, knowing it could possibly make it more watery. Gordon Ramsay would probably have a COLOSSAL fit, but I don’t have to deal with him and I’m the one who has to eat it, so I don’t care. I personally put kale in almost everything I can put it in, LOL.

I added some dried chives and basil as I stirred.

Scrambled Eggs

Oh yeah, toast. I ran to grab a tiny slice of gluten free bread (because the store bought ones are made for elves) and tossed it in the toaster oven to toast, while I ran back to my pan to continue stirring.

When I haven’t made this for a bit and do it from memory, the hardest thing for me to remember is to remove it from the heat periodically and continue stirring. Otherwise, you’ll see it sticking to the bottom and sides of the pan at a much faster rate than you can stir it it and keep it moving. That’s what happened today when I made them again and forgot I was supposed to keep taking it off the heat.

The first time I made it, when I got to the part of the video where Gordon added the cream, I thought, “Oh no. What am I going to use? I don’t have any cream and I’m allergic to dairy.” I ran to the fridge and grabbed the softened goat cheese, which I seem to be able to tolerate. That worked perfectly! He says the cream brings down the temperature of the eggs so they don’t finish cooking too fast.

Sour cream or cream cheese substitute might work well too. I even thought of coconut or almond yogurt (which might make it a bit runnier though). Maybe I’ll experiment with some of those at some point just to see how it turns out.

Scrambled Eggs

When the eggs were nearly the consistency I thought they should be, I added some Himalayan rock salt. Gordon says not to add salt at the beginning because it will make the eggs watery. Good to know… because I would have added it at the beginning.

To keep up with Gordon in his video, I also burnt one side of my, tiny gluten-free slice of bread in the toaster oven. I grabbed my toast and piled on the eggs. You may not be able to tell in the photo, but there IS actually a tiny slice of toast hiding under all of that egg. 😀 And I didn’t even mind that I had burnt it because the eggs softened it up and hid any burnt taste.

Scrambled Eggs- Gordon Ramsay

So I may not have made the scrambled eggs to Gordon Ramsay’s standards, and I modified the recipe a bit to suit my diet and what I had on hand, but I have to say, these are the best tasting scrambled eggs I’ve ever had! I will definitely be eating these on a more regular basis. Yum.

I highly recommend watching Gordon’s video above to learn how to cook them properly (rather than relying on how I did it), but hey, don’t be afraid to substitute when you need to or add something you like. How badly can you screw it up? LOL.

Scrambled Eggs- Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay Inspired Scrambled Eggs

My slightly modified version of Gordon Ramsay's creamy scrambled eggs.
Watch his video on YouTube to see how he makes it.
This is my best attempt, using ingredients that I can use and that I had on hand, and it still turned out awesome. The ingredients I've listed are what I used, not necessarily what he used.
Course Breakfast
Servings 1


  • 1 frying pan or sauce pan
  • 1 spatula


  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 Tbsp Butter (Earth Balance butter substitute)
  • 1 Handful Chopped Kale (optional!)
  • 1 Tbsp Softened goat cheese (or sour cream or cream cheese?)
  • 1 Sprinkle Herbs of choice (chives, basil, etc.)
  • A few shakes of Himalayan rock sale
  • 1 Slice Gluten free bread for toast


  • Crack eggs and add them to small frying pan or sauce pan.
  • Start eggs on medium high heat.
  • Stir eggs and continue stirring entire time, like you would risotto.
  • Add butter and stir until mixed in.
  • If you want the eggs on toast, toast your toast.
  • Take eggs off heat to continue stirring and allow it to cook off burner, and put back on heat periodically. On and off.
  • I added kale. I actually used frozen kale and add it directly to the eggs at the beginning.
  • Add herbs of choice. My choices are limited so I add a bit of chives and basil.
  • As you're taking it off and putting it back on the heat, stirring, and the eggs are nearly done, take it off the heat and add your cream of choice and mix in. I used softened goat cheese and I think it turned out great. This is supposed to cool down the eggs a bit.
  • Put the eggs back on the heat and stir, as necessary. Add salt.
  • Put the eggs on your slice of gluten free toast.
Keyword breakfast, eggs, lunch, protein, scrambled eggs
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